so we have numerous friends and family expecting their 1st little ones and Shalonda got me thinking of all the quacky things we did as 1st time parents. Let's save someone some grief!
1. If you plan on breastfeeding, don't rely on everything that the books say. Like the rule that breastfeed babies are suppose to poop every time they eat. Leave it to me to call the pediatrician at 3:00 in the morning because that's when I realized Hunter hadn't pooped all evening when he ate. My dear pedi said it was OK and I should just be happy that I didn't have to change diapers so much.
2. Again, I was worried that Hunter wasn't eating enough and then he didn't poop like the 'books' said so I was worried about him gaining weight. Another late night call to the pedi who said for me to head to the grocery store when it opened and to weigh Hunter on the produce scale, then stay there and feed him and then weigh him again to make sure he was gaining weight. HELLO??? Did I really do that? NO! Now I realize my pedi was saying. If I was that worried.........guess I would have done it.
3. You will soon realize, we had major trouble with the breastfeeding. Don't believe what the 'books' and everyone tells you about nipple confusion. We spent the 1st three weeks of Hunter's life finger feeding him with a tube to avoid nipple confusion. I finally got to breathe a sigh of relief when someone told me I could give him a bottle and he would be okay. Damn books.
4. I was so worried about SIDS that Hunter spent the first 6 weeks of his life sleeping on my chest so I could feel him breathe. really, I think that's why we connect so well ;) Let's just say, the Angel Care Monitor is worth every penny!!
5. Don't forget to burp! I remember the 1st time I actually braved giving Hunter a bottle, I fed him the whole thing, I picked him up and he spit it all up. Yea.......forgot all about good 'ole burping.
6. Be sure to keep an extra set of clothes not only for baby, but for you! Our 1st attempt at a wedding and Hunter spits up an entire bottle on my shirt just before family pictures. And diapers, they aren't leak proof. Yes, they say they are, but sometimes baby can fill them up real good. Smelling like spit up or poop isn't the best.
7. You know....they make different size nipples for bottles. Hunter never used more than a size 1! Never dawned on me. Jayden used every size there was according to his weight. Who knew!
8. I figured I was having a baby and would be back to my regular wardrobe the next day. The baby was ALL that weight! So taking pre-pregancy clothes in your hospital bag isn't the best idea. Normal clothes + hormones can ensue a breakdown when your jeans still won't close.
9. Moving onto things that DID not do us any good. Now....these are just our opinions!
Diaper Genie. It was more trouble than it was worth to us. We take our trash out everyday and at 1st, the diapers aren't so bad. Why worry about running upstairs or downstairs just to put diapers into a contraption that makes a diaper sausage.
A word about bottles. Babies can be particular. Before you open and wash all those new bottles before baby, make sure baby actually will take them. And then, if you have to go on a hunt.....don't buy the multi packs until you are sure they are what baby likes.
Some word about pacifiers. They are all different.
10. Things every parent needs according to Angie & Kreg:
Boppy. It will grow with you! Makes eating so much easier. Keeps baby propped up. Helps them learn to sit.
Several boppy covers. Laundry just won't get done fast enough.
Travel System. You really, really, really aren't going to want to wake that sleeping baby to move it into another stroller.
Baby Safe Feeder. It can keep a baby quiet for hours when stuffed with something yummy!
Old Fashion or other rectal thermometer. Thank god my mom was there the 1st time I was told they needed a rectal temperature. And we quickly learned it was really the most dependable and accurate. It saved us from many trips to the ER because they really weren't as warm as the darn ear thing said they were.
Lots of sheets & extra waterpoof pads. again...laundry just isn't going to get done as fast as you want.
Sheet savers. better than changing the whole bed.
Bouncy seat. Babies love to bounce. These buggers fit nicely in front of the bath tub or next to the shower. Baby buckled in. Mom can relax.
Baby Einstein. no one can explain a child's wonder with these.
Gripe Water. Gas? Spitting up? Teething? A natural fix ~ THAT WORKS.
oh....all the memories. be sure to back them up. nothing like loosing everything when your hard drive crashes. Hunter's first 2 1/2 years of life and Jayden's first 6 months.
I could write more. stay tuned.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ode to First Time Parent's
Posted by
8:30 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The weekend in photo's.
We finally had sun today!! And made the most of it.
Popo got a new toy yesterday so of course, him and Kreg had to play.
On Thursday we had our summer reading club party @ the pool. The boys received so much extra special attention from all the cute lifeguard girls since they found out the boys are Justin's nephews! Justin and the boys charmed all the girls.
Hunter has NO fear of the water.
We ventured back to Austin on Friday. I got my hair cut to which Hunter exclaimed "Mom, your haircut looks terrible. What were you thinking?" Love that kid! Yet, when I ventured into Tiffany's with both the boys, what was I thinking! Both boys got a cookie in which Hunter exclaimed "It's just too pretty to eat!" And he didn't eat it. Boy it was good!
weekend's not over yet. but I've got work to do!
Posted by
4:18 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
what I learned at mass this weekend.
you should weigh the same as you weighed as a senior in high school.
your heart doesn't get any bigger and neither should you.
catholic mass is the best.
Posted by
7:13 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
rain ~ rain. guess you're here to stay.
I guess we should be rejoicing. We are able to break out all that $1.98 clearance rain gear I scored @ Tar-jay.( I LOVE and desperately miss Target!)
The natives were a little restless today.
So out went Jay....
Here's Jezabell's desperate scream for attention
our forecast doesn't seem to be improving
and the boys were completely jazzed to find their pictures in the local newspaper from when animals visited the library for storytime. now, everywhere we go around town, people stop to tell them they saw them in the paper. Hunter feels like a star.
rain ~ please just let up for our library pool party tomorrow night. the boys are so pumped up about going.
Posted by
4:22 PM
How old are we?
I recently applied for a work-from-home-job. Like I don't have enough to do, right? But apparently, someone whom I had a falling out with a couple of YEARS ago, works for the company so I was told "It would probably be best if you didn't work with us." I didn't think that women who were nearing 30 still acted like that. Oh well, there loss, not mine.
Posted by
9:56 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Kreg's #1 reason to live in La Grange
The fishing available at my parents house
1st Kreg's ginormous catfish. And this is Justin's bass from last night. Caught at my parents tank. what more could you ask for.
Posted by
2:38 PM
Summer just isn't summer
with a slip n' slide! And we are finally seeing the SUN today so the boys were ready to break their new slip 'n slide out!
Oh the memories I have growing up of spending day after day slipin' & slidin'. Granted, ours didn't have a plush ending to it and if you ran off of it you got a nice mouthful of grass, dirt and mud. And we always seem to have rocks underneath. No matter where in the yard you put it. Someone would always slide over a rock and end up in tears. But that didn't stop us day after day of playing on it. When we lived in Leander, our slip n' slides never made it long. Kreg could never figure out where to dry it. Problem solved here. That's what clothes lines are for!
Posted by
1:07 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Rain ~ Rain, GO AWAY.
In all seriousness. I didn't complain for the 1st 2 1/2 months of rain. I was grateful and all, but now, come on. We are out of the drought and into flood stages some places. I've run out of things to do indoors and I feel bad that my kids are now infront of the TV most of the day. Granted they are having a blast with the new vtech toys, but I would rather it be 105 degrees so we could finally set up our spiderman slip n' slide.
Now that we are a little closer to Houston, the candle business is taking off. I no longer have to scout out every Wal-Mart in Austin and surrounding cities for jars, wholesale is closer. Which means new jars and a whole new look. It's exciting.
Enough business on the 'personal' blog.
So Justin and I took the kids to Sugarland yesterday to pick up jars. rained the whole way there, the whole time we were in and around Houston and the whole way home. And people in Houston, just don't slow down in the rain. It's raining so hard I can't see anything in front of me so I'm going about 30 MPH and people are just flying past me. It so wasn't a lot of fun.
And with the rain, swimming lessons get canceled. And that devastates the boys :( Though they had a blast again Wednesday night when Hunter proclaimed that his teacher was "jealous of his cool moves." alright kid.
looking forward to a weekend full of rain.
Posted by
10:58 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Funk.
2 days on Alka Seltzer and I'm feeling no better. At least thanks to the meds, I'm sleeping at night.
So, thank goodness that I scored some great deals @ Target last week to keep the kids entertained. You know, since it's raining A L L day & night A G A I N.
In the few minutes that we do get without any rain, we sneak out for some baseball practice:
And of course, we started swim lessons tonight. It would have been great for me to have known they actually started, LAST WEEK. You know with 2 vacation bible school's and all, I guess it slipped my mind. But both of the boys are doing GREAT.
Yes, that's them jumping off the diving board! Jayden cried when they told him it was time to go.
Jezabell has been up to NO good. She LOVES to go on car rides and spend time like this:
She either spends her days propped up on the chair watching out the window and alerting us to every bird, person, car, movement outside.
Or she stansd on her dog house, peering into the playroom window, just begging to be let back in.
Leave it to my dad to spell Jezabell like this:
But my dad did take good care of my on my birthday. He made super yummy fajitas and all the fixins. Kreg SURPRISED me with a beautiful bracelet and necklace from Tiffany's and the boys made and decorated my favorite red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing. It was a GREAT birthday.
And here's us girl's at the lake:
Eh...let's try that one more time:
Posted by
8:37 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Happy Birthday to
yes, today is the big day I turn 28. And I feel like crude. I honestly don't remember the last time I've felt this miserable with allergies and/or sinus junk.
A very special thank you to the girls who made it out to Hula Hut Friday night for my b-day. It was so nice to get out and see everyone for my birthday celebration. Yes, I have pictures, but I don't feel like loading them. I tell ya, I'm really that miserable.
What's great about having your own business, is that you meet so many friends that also have their own business'. Then birthdays are so much fun because you get the greatest homemade gifts! So since my blog is blah today, please check out some website's and blogs of some of the greatest girls in business I know:
Wendy's Ballistic Sweater Girl
Diane's Tasty Jewerly
Anne Marie Purses
Amy's ChunkyRhino
Shalonda's Chubby Cheek Designs
Kara's Kailo Chic
Jennifer's Naughty Secretary Club
or just head on over and check out the Austin Craft Mafia or any of the chick's involved with Babes in Business
more on the big day tomorrow.
Posted by
3:57 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
NO, Not Jayden.
so we sit down to dinner at VBS tonight when with Jayden's class when his teacher proceeds to tell me that last night she was looking for her son and Jayden. Seems they have become big buddies since they will be going to school there together. She noticed they were in quite the intense conversation. So she sits back and watches and the next thing she knows is that Jayden is pulling down his pants to show her little boy his 'Lightening McQueen' undies. She gets to them in enough time to save her little one from pulling down his pants too. Turns out the boys, both BIG fans of Mr. McQueen, were wearing the same underpants. And we guess decided to show each other. No idea how the conversation ended up there. And what would have possessed my kid to pull down his drawers at bible school.
And since my parents are on a vacay, I left to care for their humble aboad. Countin' the cows. Feeding the dogs. All those fun activities. So as I'm pulling up tonight, I notice something on my parents roof. Oh $hit, my parents don't even have a roof anymore! Turns out the roofer should up a week early - much to my dismay, and probably my parents. My dad has been proudly telling me stories of killing numerous copper heads in the past couple of weeks. So, as I'm picking tomatoes tonight, I'm scared senseless. No way was I sticking my hands anywhere near the back of the bushes or underneath. But boy...the picking was good! And it looks like they are going to miss out on all their squash. I'll just be sure to tell them how good it was.
Posted by
7:43 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
So the search continues.....
Our first day of VBS went well. Not sure what Hunter learned yesterday morning beside 'Boom Chicka Boom. I said a Boom Chicka Boom.' That's all he sang yesterday afternoon.
At our evening VBS, the kids are working with a misson to help a little boy who is going blind. I arrived early to pick the boys up and caught the video of the little boy talking about receiving his seeing eye dog. Of course, Hunter had a million question about going blind. As we walked out of VBS, the boys were handed an envelope to bring back today with a donantion for the mission. I ask the boys who's money was going in the envelope, mine or their's.
Hunter asks "why does a blind kid want money?"
I told him so we can help him get his seeing eye dog.
Jayden chimes in with "can we just give him Jezabell instead of our money?"
Hunter then says, "No don't give him Jezabell. We will just stand in the road with our boot to collect quarters for him. Mom, you said we had to have a cause and now we do. Do you think VBS will give us his picture to put on the boot?"
okay, he's 5. He shouldn't know what a 'cause' is. I thought my using 'big' words he'd give it up. Guess not!
and yes, Shalonda, Hunter was the one to lock himself in the bathroom!!! I had forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder!!! For those who don't know the story. We were at a small little hall for my Aunt and Uncle's anniversary party, and we let Hunter go to the bathroom all by himself. After a while, we notice he still isn't back. Turns out, the kid locked the door and didn't know how to unlock it. Of couse, we didnt' have a key for it and it was in full panic mode. Thankfully my cousin is a firefighter (we always knew he would come in handy one day!) and he was able to save the day. See, when you invite us to a party, it's never dull!
Posted by
11:04 AM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Help a child out!
So a while back my mom and I were in Brenham with the kids and at a stoplight they had firefighters holding up their boots collecting money. Of course, I never carry any cash so my mom hands the boys some money to put inside the boot. My money conscious Hunter decides to throw the $2 in but keep the quarters. He is very into collecting quarters and I don't know why just quarters. Granted he has a nice savings of $60 in bills but all other change he gives to Jayden. He only wants quarters.
So today I'm cleaning the kitchen when I hear Hunter ask me if he can go out front. Now, we aren't in Leander anymore with a cul-de-sac, so I'm always leary of them playing out front but I tell him sure and I'll be out in a minute.
Imagine my astonishment, when I walk outside and see Hunter standing at the end of the sidewalk like this:
Yes, he is doing what we all think he was doing. But of course, I just have to ask.
He tells me "Mom, I'm just trying to get rich quick. I don't want people's dollars just their quarters. I will return all dollars and other change"
oh my child......if it were only that easy!
Posted by
4:07 PM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Come know you wanna..........
Just a few reasons to come and visit us.
In my parents pasture we have:
yes, folks. some of the best catfish fishing you will find. boys, close your mouths. we had to catch and release!
just down the road about 30-40 minutes:
our own little paradise A.K.A. Splashaway Waterpark.
now I know you want to come and see us :)
Ah....some of you may notice I'm back at the picture taking. well, our little incident got solved. As we were getting ready for the wedding this weekend, Kreg received a phone call from the manager of the service station. turns out, they had our camera. when Kreg got home Thursday evening, he decided to make a trip up to the station to let him know how he felt. well, turns out the lady that normally is working was there and recognized Kreg from his numerous u-haul rentals. she remembered he was 'Mike's son-in-law.' alas, the manager knew who Mike was. see, I wasn't some crazy lady accusing the kid. so the manager begin to figure some pieces of the puzzle just didn't fit together with the kid's story. he dug a little deeper and finally Saturday morning the kid admitted he took the camera. he was haul away by the local cops but not before he ERASED all my pictures. I'm still bummed about that but at least my mind could rest at ease. I knew I wasn't crazy.
so we were able to head to Yoakum, camera in hand, ready to celebrate Clayton and Amy's wedding. we had a really nice time. the boys ate, ate and then ate some more. they showed off their dance moves. Kreg and I had a few beers, a couple margaritas, and then a few more beers. if you think it was relaxing, try having this for your family: (and we weren't all there!)
a new family picture of just us:
me and my boys:
hence, all the beers. we woke us this morning, and decided to spend the first rain free day in 60 days and 60 nights at the waterpark. the boys loved this slide:
and this one:
Hunter kept asking all the lifeguards "why do you keep catching me?" of course, he and Uncle Justin spent countless time flirting with all the girls. Justin has found his wingman.
Hunter was bound and determined to swim with all this on:
Jayden was concerned that he was all wrinkled:
That's just what happens when you spend 6 hours in the water @ the waterpark!
we are off to bed. VBS starts at 8AM!
Posted by
8:14 PM