Jayden, Jayden, Jayden.
This child is the king of getting hurt. Last week, he was riding his bike, fell off, got run over by the neighbor kid and was left with a really bad skin on his arm. Then, Saturday at Hunter's t-ball game, somehow he manages to split open the scab and blood starts gushing out. Then, at his cousin's t-ball game, Kreg doesn't realize he must keep his eye on the kid and he falls off the bleacher and busts open his lip.
Hunter, Hunter, Hunter.
The child says he is tired of having curly hair but doesn't want to cut it off. So, mom got creative.
Now he wants this done every day. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Thankfully we had plans Saturday morning to get up and head make our spring trek over to Sweet Berry Farm. After deliberating, we decided we could meet Amy and her brood after Friday's incidents without too much harm. We would be in public and all. (just kidding Amy)
On the way we get a call that they are showing the house. No biggie. We are gone! We enjoy picking strawberries, a maniac of a hay ride, feeding the goats and a nice picnic.
We start heading home for our 3:30 t-ball game. We get a call that they want to show the house in between 2:30 and 3:30. Hey, no problem. We don't want to stand in the way of anyone. Except, you know, that's the time we were planning to head home and change for the game. So, we get to the house at 2:30, park in the neighbor's drive way, run in house grabbing t-ball attire, Jezabell, all the while making sure no one is pulling up. We get out without a hitch, make it to t-ball only to get a call that they are running late and now won't be there until 5:00 and 6:00. Great, just when t-ball is over and dinner time. We make the most of it. Hey, it's the fun of having your house on the market!
Here's some pictures from our trip to the San Gabriel Park last week. I've been having fun experimenting with photography again.
And a few more from Sweet Berry Farm:
Still not sure what we are going to do with this hair:
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